It All Starts In Here
The Miami Beat 305 was created with the intention of uniting South Florida local Artists and DJs. It is a meeting place for Artists DJs to exchange ideas, talk about equipment, events and all things Music industry related and to also discover new local Artists and promote their music.
The Miami Beat 305 was born on January 2021 out of an idea that Leo Perez and Alex Gutierrez thought of during the pandemic to provide support to the Local Artists and DJs Affiliated with the South Florida DJ Association.
In March 2023 The Miami Beat and South Florida DJ Association had their annual music fest at the Miami-Dade Fair & Expo with many of its member performing live.
On April 2023 MiamiBeat305 Partners with “El Show DeDjaDJ” with hosts DJ Fila & DJ Danny
The Miami Beat show
The Miami Beat Show was born by Rene Guim partnering with Leo Perez & Miami Beat 305
Since 2013, Creating Relationships with artists & djs.
The Miami Beat 305 was created with the intention of uniting South Florida local Artists and DJs. It is a meeting place for Artists DJs to exchange ideas, talk about equipment, events and all things Music industry related and to also to discover new local Artists and promote their music.
We make sure that all of our members are top notch individuals, from a talent perspective as well as professional. Your Event is important and we are here to assist you in selecting the right match for you. We network with local Artists, DJ’s & Producers.
The Miami Beat 305 was born on January 2021 out of an idea that Leo Perez and Alex Gutierrez thought of during the pandemic to provide support to the Local Artists and DJs Affiliated with the South Florida DJ Association.
march 2023
On March 2023 The Miami Beat 305 and South Florida DJ Association had their annual music fest at the Miami-Dade Fair & Expo with many of its member performing live.
april 2023
On April 2023 MiamiBeat305 Partners with “El Show DeDjaDJ” with hosts DJ Fila & DJ Danny
miami beat shoiw
join our group of professionals!
Supporting Local Artists & DJs
The Miami Beat 305 was created with the intention of uniting South Florida local Artists and DJs. It is a meeting place for Artists DJs to exchange ideas, talk about equipment, events and all things Music industry related and to also discover new local Artists and promote their music.
We make sure that all of our members are top notch individuals. from a talent perspective as well as professional. Your Event is important and we are here to assist you in selecting the right match for you. We network with local Artists, DJ’s & Producers.
The Miami Beat 305 and South Florida DJ Association still going strong supporting local Artists & DJS
The Miami Beat and South Florida DJ
MiamiBeat305 Partners with “El Show
Association had their annual music fest at the
DeDiaDJ” with hosts DJ Fila & DJ Danny
Miami-Dade Fair & Expo
The Miami Beat Show was born by Rene Guim partnering with Leo Perez & Miami Beat 305
The Miami Beat 305 Radio was born on January 2021 out of an idea that Leo Perez and Alex Gutierrez thought of during the pandemic to provide support to the Local Artists and DJs Affiliated with the South Florida DJ Association.
The South Florida DJ Association was created by founder DJ Alex Gutierrez, with the help of Leo Perez, Jorge Santana, Ricky D Rios and many other members that have donated their time to this great group of DJs.