I attached a photo of dad and I from the book and an image of the cover of the book. The book is available exclusively on Amazon, click here.
I will bring a few copies of the book with me and I have a little easel to put it on your table!
Here is a short bio about us…
This is the true story of Carlos Rigau, a News PhotoJournalist and his adventures chasing news stories around the world throughout nearly forty years. Carlos’ eye has seen the good, the bad and the ugly… Literally!
From civil unrest and riots to interviewing Presidents and Prime Ministers, Carlos has captured it all. The array of notoriety for his work, ranges from Emmy Awards to a Silver Angel Award… Along the way his eye has captured images that have touched the lives of so many.
From images of children crying and refugees fleeing oppression to the glory of the Athletic games. To us the world is shown through the looking glass of our TV, on the other side of that glass, is a camera and what that camera has seen, inspired this book. Along the way, Carlos had a baby girl, and just weeks after she was born, he was off to South Korea– “So that is Papa’s cue, to pack his shoes and go chase the clues…”
Growing up in a world bustling with Breaking News from the second she was born, Carlos’s daughter LaLa, knew that writing about her father’s adventures was the only solution.
After spending a year volunteering to teach children in low-income schools about the love of reading, LaLa was inspired to turn all of her Papa’s memories into a Children’s book!
LaLa hopes this book will inspire children to get to know the world around them, all the while understanding the responsibility of News gathering and those who gather it.
Before there were 140 Character stories… There were 140 steps taken to gather a story… This is THAT story.