Interview with Lucy Grau Ep2

Aired on May 26, 2023

On Friday May 26 at 1pm, Lucy Grau,
the popular and talented Latin music
artist, was featured on Miami Beat
Show with Host Rene Guim. The inter-
view provided insights into Lucy Grau\’s
music career, her creative process, and
her passion for her craft.

The interview began with Rene Guim
asking Lucy Grau how she got started in
music. Lucy Grau responded by sharing
her childhood story where her parents
introduced her to music at a young age
and how she took up singing in school.

She credits her upbringing and expo-
sure to a variety of music genres for
molding her into the artist she is today.

Lucy then explained her creative pro-
cess. She shared how she draws inspi-
ration from emotions and her personal
experiences, as she believes that music
is a language that connects people. She
added that she believes music has the
power to heal and connect people re-
gardless of their background.

Overall, the interview offered a glimpse
into Lucy Grau\’s world and showed
that she’s more than just an artist. With
her passion for music and her desire to
use it to make a difference in society,
Lucy Grau is an inspiration to many.
Her dedication to using music to heal,
inspire, and connect with people is a
powerful reminder of the transforma-
tive power of music.